Back in VA for a little over 24 hours and still adjusting to that crazy thing called a different time zone. And while one imagines that getting 4 extra hours is somehow sublime you simply do not understand or your body doesn't understand and so the end result was getting up early (which I never do) and being too sleepy to stay up for the Northern Light show on most nights/mornings. Please also note that you lose those hours QUICKLY upon your return.
So, for my first trip to the other coast and to Alaska (Congrats again Sergeant Murphy) I was amazed at the Ginormous Ravens. They congregated around the trash bins, they boldly trolled the streets and one even flew smack dab in to the window pane of my room (just like the Windex commercial) and flew away. After the "only in my life" window moment I started asking questions and the answers surprised me because while the menu at The Banks Alehouse offered elk, reindeer and buffalo (buffalo burger was pretty juicy) you did not find anything resembling the bigger than your baby chicken Raven on the menu (not that I think they'd be tasty but just thinking of the principle).
Well turns out that for the Alaskan Inuit tribe the Raven is a spirit/god that is known as a hero sometimes and a trickster at others. It is therefore ILLEGAL to kill the birds even if they are killing your small animals and apparently many newcomers learn this with the hefty fines that they receive. And before you think that the Alaskans are crazy, which there might be other reasons to think that - like living some place that just this year had -50° weather, my research showed that it's ILLEGAL to kill ravens in all 50 states and a few other countries as well. It's all about Migratory Birds and a treaty created just for them and they even have their own holiday in May.
Now, why do you care. Well, other than the fact that I might have just saved you from one of the many court cases out there against companies and citizens for harming these migratory pests there is also something to be learned. Is your business a Raven?
Are you the hero or the trickster or any given situation? Do you promise to provide their completed website by COB Wednesday and then call them Thursday morning to say oops technical errors? Do you over deliver and under promise as I always tell my clients to do? Unfortunately to the naked eye all ravens, that is, all small businesses look alike.
If someone knows someone who knows someone who had a HORRIFIC experience with an trickster entrepreneur in your field YOU now are in that same category just because you too are a small business owner. So, while the Raven/Small Business is protected by law and required by state agencies to use they don't have to use you.
So now armed in the understanding that you fight the battle of the guy doing "business" out of his trunk and the one who just swindled someone's money be prepared to share the benefits of doing business with Ravens R'Us. When making your pitch emphasize the customizable features that only your boutique business can offer. Highlight the pivotability of a small company rather than a big box. Share your passion and stellar customer service skills where you actually do know your clients name and not just because it's in an Excel spreadsheet.
So, Ravens it's time to fly now don your superhero cape and show the world why you're different, why you're special and why they will never regret that their business has gone to the birds.